YO! Youth Outlook and Wiretap Magazine are gearing up for a fourth blog-a-thon and this month's topic is sex. i know we've all got something to say, one way or another, so holler @ me if you want to contribute.
the week-long blog-a-thon is set for wednesday, may 28th to wednesday, june 4th.
spread the word. you don't need to already have a personal blog to contribute. if you're interested, i can send you more info.
here's a little information on a previous blog-a-thon:
past participants include:
Oh Dang Magazine
Kameelah Writes
Khmer Girls in Action
Vanessa Huang
The Cheddar Box
...and more!
I would mos definitely love to contribute if possible. ANything I need to do?
i'll send you more details in an email. it's gonna be pretty tight!
dope, thanx! OMG your Barbara Bush icon is f*ckin fabulous. LOL.
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